Saturday, December 9, 2006


Strength and self assertion
lie within us all
yet we are afraid.
We do not use the resources
given to us to lift our lives
from the comfortable, stagnant routine
locked into work, relationships, ourselves.
Fearing what others may think of us
we lack the courage to step
from our accustomed role.
Strength and self assertion
can be demonstrated
with gracious kindness.
Softly spoken truths will take us further
than aggressive defensiveness.
Be true to yourself... Dare to be different
by courageously stepping forward
to say... "I am"... "I will be"
then "be"
remembering always to move softly
with gentleness and love.
Free yourself from what others want you to be
from the things that disappoint you.
Find and use the magnificent
loving P O W E R withing you.

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